Art Dedication – Open House

Open House Art Dedication

Today we welcomed the 20th piece of public art to the Central Park community, Open House by Ty Gillespie.

This is the final public art project commissioned by Park Creek Metropolitan District with funding from the Denver Urban Renewal Authority and is situated in the Prickly Plume Park in Central Park’s Bluff Lake neighborhood. The sculpture is fabricated Cor-Ten® steel that compliments the coloring of the buildings around the park.

Ty Gillespie is a Colorado artist who resides in Paonia. He created this sculpture to reflect what a Central Park neighborhood represents– homes, kids and families and the piece invites people to walk through it and explore, engage and even stay and play!

Open House can be found at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr Blvd and Moline St in the Bluff Lake neighborhood.

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