Denver’s 80238 Made Affordable- Thrive Home Builders Central Park Rows


Stapleton Made Affordable- New Town Builders Central Park Rows Ashely & Family

By: Marissa Jones

Thrive Home Builders Central Park Rows are a part of Denver 80238’s Affordable Housing program. This housing is for those who earn between 30%-50% of the area’s median income. Central Park’s newest resident, Ashley, chose to make Central Park Row homes her new abode.

Ashely experienced a business crumbling resulting in financial debt followed by a divorce. Rebuilding her life with her two children, Ashley states “[I] wanted to show my kids that if you believe in yourself and stay proactive you can do anything you want in this world.” Renting grew tiresome and she wanted the stability of owning a home. She knew that the community hosts amazing schools but that she would not be able to afford a down payment for a home. She began researching in June of 2014 on the website; and came across the affordable housing opportunities.

After finding out more information about the affordable housing program in Denver’s 80238, she learned that there is a long waiting list for the Central Park Rows In order to be put on the waiting list, a potential buyer has to be pre-approved for a loan. After speaking with her mortgage company, Ashley was told she would not be a good candidate for the affordable housing program as she was not a full-time employee at any of her jobs. She had also been denied because of her debt-to-income ratio. She informed the mortgage company of the contrary and advised, “This type of program was for someone just like me.”

The determined future homeowner became full time at one of her jobs and was given a list of items she needed to complete in order to be pre-approved for a home loan. Working diligently Ashley completed every item. Once pre-approved for her loan, she put her name on the waiting list and was told it could be awhile before she would get a home. Ignoring the negativity, she chose to stand by her belief, as she states, “If it’s meant to happen it will, because I believe so.”

About two weeks passed and Ashley received a call from Thrive Home Builders stating that they had a home available. She immediately went under contract that afternoon. Ashely submitted a variety of financial information to the mortgage company on a regular basis in order to maintain pre-approval status. She also had to get approval from the City of Denver to move into her home; which was made possible through the assistance of a liaison that assisted her with filling out the City’s affordable housing application. What’s more is Ashely received a grant to assist with the down payment with the requirement of attending a real-estate class for first time home buyers. After jumping through all of these hoops, she was able to close on her house in May 2015. “I am beyond blessed to become a home owner with my story,” says Ashley. “I am so proud to show my kids that after you lose everything you can rebuild anything!”

Ashley shared, “My advice is to always believe in yourself… For me, my story was divorce with a financial hardship that came out of a lifetime movie with too many zeros of debt for this yoga teacher… but I fought for my freedom, freedom of debt, freedom for my own home, freedom of my own peace…The most beautiful experience is I got to share this with my kids.”

Ashely wrote a poem about her experience:

Some women walk away from a marriage and receive maintenance and a home and others well… they get resourceful.

Some women leave and become the victim, and others become an Inspiration.

Some women have support of family and others co-create support from Friends who become Family.

Some women stay because they are scared and others find Faith.

All women deserve to be Happy, Supported, at Peace, and Loved!

For information on Affordable Housing click here


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