Love Thy Neighbor – State Representative Angela Williams

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UPDATE: In 2017 Angela Williams began serving as a Colorado State Senator representing Senate District 33.

Representative Angela Williams has been a resident since 2006, and is now the current Representative to the Colorado General Assembly’s House District 7. She divides her time between the Capitol, her many charitable commitments, and the neighborhoods and constituents she represents, including the Northeast Denver neighborhoods of North Park Hill, Central Park, Green Valley Ranch, Montbello and Denver International Airport.

“Colorado has one of the fastest­ growing economies in the country,” Rep. Williams said. “I enjoy working with business and labor leaders to continue creating good­ paying jobs and growing small businesses in the state. Central park is a welcoming place to do business and represents the perfect community for people to both live and work—which is what drew me to it almost 10 years ago.”

As a member of the Colorado House of Representatives, she is currently Majority Caucus Chair, Chair of the Business, Labor, Economic & Workforce Development Committee, and a member of the Legislative Council Committee. She was recently appointed to the National Conference of State Legislators Executive Committee and serves as Vice ­Chair of the NCSL Commerce, Finance and Interstate Commerce Committee.

Before pursuing a life in public service, Williams owned and operated the Angela Williams Allstate Insurance Agency for 14 years, which she opened in the Central Park area. She raised her son in the neighborhood and quickly became entrenched in the community, taking leadership roles in various forums. She worked with her predecessor, former State Representative and Speaker of the House Terrence Carroll, on his re­election campaign. Williams also served on the State Finance Team for then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. In campaigning against the “Right to Work” anti­union initiative and the vehicle impoundment initiative, she became more educated in public policy and helped ensure both initiatives were defeated. Once she realized her calling was public service, she sold her business and ran for office and was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives in 2010 as a Democrat.

“My work in the private sector, including running my own business, really helped prepare me for life in the public sector,” said Rep. Williams. “I came to realize that there was work that needed to be done at the ground level to ensure a strong business future for our youth and the Colorado economy as a whole.”

After her son left home, she saw the value of “right­sizing” her life and moved from their single family home in Central Park to a new townhome across from the 80­acre Central Park. Representative Williams balances her tremendous workload with peaceful time meeting friends at Central Park. She considers her stomping grounds to be any of the numerous community trails, parks and outdoor spaces and is most comfortable on her bike cycling through the neighborhood ­­but also enjoys a good patio gathering with friends.

“I have a very busy and hectic life, so appreciate that Central Park offers a peaceful, walkable community that lets me breathe the air outside,” said Representative Williams. “My favorite gem in the neighborhood is the Bistro. My girlfriends and I get together and catch­up over a glass of wine and the atmosphere is welcoming and fun. This neighborhood is so conducive to a connected and active lifestyle rich in community.”

Explore the 12 neighborhoods of Denver’s 80238.

In addition to her duties as a legislator and small business owner, Williams is very active in her community. As a co­founder of Chamber Connect, the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce leadership development program, she has been essential to the professional growth of dozens of Colorado’s future minority business leaders. Williams volunteers in charitable activities such as feeding homeless families and low ­income seniors, as well as mentoring youth and personally developing young professionals.

During the 2014 session, Williams was the primary sponsor and the key voice introducing legislation that updates 20 year­ old telecommunication and technology laws. Williams recognized the goal of deploying broadband to rural areas of Colorado and repurposed funds to address the need, which Governor John Hickenlooper signed into law in May 2014. Williams is well known for her previous work to protect Colorado children’s educational futures by successfully opposing legislation that would cut school breakfast subsidies. In addition, many of Williams’ efforts have focused on helping homeowners who are experiencing enormous financial burdens. She sponsored a piece of legislation expanding the state’s foreclosure deferment program and introduced the Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program Bill. In addition, Williams has also supported legislation to keep the state on the forefront of environmental issues such as clean air, clean water, public health, and job creation through a variety of clean energy investments.

Williams is known as the business champion at the Colorado State Legislature. In an effort to open up the lines of communication Williams started the first bi­weekly meeting with 15 of Colorado’s major business organizations. While not in session, Williams travels throughout the state to dialogue with business organizations about how to improve the business climate in Colorado. This year she will be involved in important issues related to construction defects, workforce development and education reform.

The Central Park community is among Denver’s most dynamic and vibrant—filled with passionate people who believe in strong community involvement and improving the world around them. Central Park is home to an eclectic mix of growing families, young professionals, empty nesters and numerous stand-out community leaders who are making positive change throughout Denver, the region and the world. Angela William’s is on of those people. 

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