Summer Park by Ken Greenfield

I began selling Central Park homes in 2003, and my intrigue with the neighborhood led to my partner and I purchasing a two story Tudor home by Infinity Home Collection in 2005. The home is situated in the northeastern corner of Central Park across from Summer Park, one of the four finger parks in Eastbridge neighborhood (one for each season; spring, summer, fall and winter). Summer Park is the largest of the four parks and can accommodate the entire neighborhood. It has a playground for young children and a large field for sports activities and for those of us with dogs. Since moving to the community we discovered that while the park in front of our house separated us from the neighbors across the street, it also brought us closer together. We have found that Summer Park is a place where many homeowners gather. It is a place where we watch our neighbor’s children grow up, and our dogs play together. A place that we have formed lasting bonds with new friends. Our neighborhood held its first block party before any of us closed on our homes, and we were dubbed “the posse” by Infinity Home sales staff. Once the posse had settled into the neighborhood, we hosted a progressive dinner party and invited all the neighbors that bordered the park. We continue to host this event every year, expanding the guest list to neighbors throughout the entire Filing 12 neighborhood. The magic that happens in “my” park reminds me that this park is my favorite place in Central Park, my home.

Ken Greenfield, Greenfield and Associates, Inc.


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