Trails and Bike Paths, By Diana Kearns

Diana Kearns   Stapleton

My favorite place in Central Park is wherever the Trails and Bike Paths can take me.

That might be going on listing appointments, delivering brochures or meeting clients for coffee – what a way to combine work and fitness!  As an EcoBroker I like that it is good for the environment, and it has translated into better health for me and savings on gas money.

Or it might be taking my daughter to Summer Camp or to the pool, first in a trailer and now riding alongside her, with an occasional ice cream stop at Cold Stone in the East 29th Avenue Town Center.

Or it might be arriving at a pocket park for an Egg Hunt, Block Party, the Community Garage Sale, or a 4th of July neighborhood picnic, giving me a personal connection and lasting friendships with clients and neighbors.

Or it might be starting every day on a trail with the chance to see eagles, hawks, coyotes, deer, beavers and other wildlife, along with the gorgeous Colorado Front Range and Divide views.  It is great stress management and I’m excited to start my day clear-headed and energized.

Sometimes I even leave Central Park.  It is a nice bike ride to an afternoon Rockies game!

The possibilities are endless and have brought an additional “Quality of Life” to me and my family.

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