Zero Energy Ready Homes – What does that mean?

Beeler Park ZERH Collage

ZER Homes are characterized mainly by their high level of energy efficiency. In fact, they’re up to 50% more energy-efficient than other homes. Zero Energy Ready Homes are engineered to push a zero net energy use with the help of renewable energy and reduced energy demand. With the low energy demand, a renewable energy system can offset most annual energy consumption. Bottom line, lower energy bills.

There are other benefits that you will enjoy from the Zero Energy Ready Standard.

Zero Energy Home BenefitsWith a Zero Energy Ready Home, you could have no energy bills, other than a monthly electric hook-up fee. And with features like thicker walls and triple-paned windows, a home can create as much solar energy from its solar collectors as the home uses- resulting in a zero net energy bill.

Living more comfortably and saving money is what any homebuyer wants.  And in Central Park’s 11th neighborhood, Beeler Park, 10 % of every home collection will be built to Zero Energy Ready Home standards.

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